August - For the Hope of it All


 Another month has passed, and with five more to go in 2024, 

Hello again! As usual, it's been a while. I have a bunch of posts that are unfinished and sitting in my drafts. I’m not making any promises to you, but to myself, that I'll make an effort to keep this space updated. I have plenty of ideas swirling around, but I'm lacking the energy to bring them to life. However, to keep this space active, here’s what happened and I’m up to right now:

1. CROCHET: I’ve been fully engaged in crocheting since April, making it a central part of my life for nearly four months now. Picking up this new skill has been a major positive change for me; it’s gone from being just a hobby to something I hope will eventually become a business. I love transforming yarn into items like bags, hair accessories, clothing and more. After a period of feeling stuck, I’ve finally rediscovered my creative spark and passion.

2. COFFEE:  Like many others, it helps me start each day. My weekends often involve searching for hidden gem cafes, whether in Makati or Cavite. Lately, I've become a regular at Hiwaga Cafe. Will make a post about this cafe later on.

3. TRAVEL (BACOLOD and ELYU): Over the past two quarters, I’ve had the chance to visit and stay in new places in the Philippines, (able to highlight another region on my digital Philippine map, IYKYK) . Despite usually being limited by budget, I’m grateful for these opportunities and feel that things always work out. The phrase "God will provide" has certainly proven true. lol. I visited Bacolod for my sister’s intimate wedding and Elyu with high school friends.

4. FAMILY AND FRIENDS: I’m grateful that we’ve managed to come together this year, even though we miss the presence of our family head, who is now in his forever home. As we’ve all grown older, it’s become harder to gather, so I’m thankful for the mini reunions we’ve had. Watching my nephews and nieces play together has been truly priceless. I’ve also had the chance to reconnect with old friends, even if just briefly. I’m hopeful that August and the rest of the year will be filled with more get-togethers and catch-ups.

5. COOKING: Lately, I’ve been preparing our packed lunches, and it’s become a pleasant routine for me. I find joy in arranging the meals after cooking, taking photos to make them look appealing, and the taste has been great too. I hope to create more recipes to share with everyone. TikTok has definitely inspired me to do this.

So, this is all I can share right now. For the hope of it all, I’m looking forward to the rest of the year being filled with small but certain moments of happiness. I’m not asking for anything extravagant, just a peaceful and calm end to the year.

How about you? How's life so far?


  1. Happy to read a new entry of your blog and I am looking forward to read more! Keep on writing and I wish you a happy and calm season for the remaining months of the year!

  2. To my number one and only blog visitor + reader: THANK YOU! love you always in all ways! ♥


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